trading sensuality FOR sensitivity

When life hands me transition, change, and anything that hurts… you can bet for sure I am going to want some kind of escape. And if I cannot find that, then I want the process, the ins and outs which must only happen if the other side is to be reached, to be as pleasant and wonderful as possible. But there is quite a profound problem with that logic: Life doesn't always work that way. A few mornings ago, I decided to again make my claim of faith and tell God I trusted him. Life currently looks like a lot of ????? and many of the ones I love are hurting. So instead of filling my prayer to my Father with all of these words asking for an easier path, obviously less filled with pain and difficulty, I simply said I will trust YOU. Well… almost as soon as I was finished and my feet to the floor to embrace the day, one line from a Reliant K song called "Let It All Out" flooded into my head: "And you said I know that this will hurt, but if I don't break your heart tha...