The Single Girl at ALL the Weddings

The date: July 19, 2014 The occasion: My best friend’s wedding We were about to take pictures and there was a certain guest leaving that I had to see. I rushed outside and found her, and she looked at me and asked the one question I was not prepared for… “How has this been for your heart?” You see, this was not the first wedding I had been a part of, and it certainly has not been the last. Each one is different, filled with bits and pieces of the two souls that are joined together. I have loved every one. I have been single in the midst of every one. It was not until that day when I was asked a question I had been dreading for years that I began to understand how the Lord had been so faithful throughout this season of my life. Marriage is the first institution created by God. Genesis 2:24-25 reads this way, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked a...