
Showing posts from 2019

Rocked by the Father & Danced with the King

This morning the title of the lesson in my time with Jesus was "Saving Superwoman." Now, for clarity, I am not her in case anyone was wondering... but I know I often try to be in more ways than I ever should. Yesterday was one of many instances where I looked opportunity in the face and told Jesus that those desires were more expedient for my flesh than choosing Him. Have you been there too? Wrapped up in choices, struggles, and burdens that seem to always appeal to your longing way better than Jesus does, and in simple moments we choose. Total honesty, the very first words I heard in my head were, "Was it worth it?" I already knew the answer. However, right in the midst of simply asking God for His forgiveness, I found myself asking how I was supposed to bear this weight of struggle in my life. How am I supposed to battle a part of me that doesn't want to choose Jesus? All I heard was a whisper, like He so often does with me, " Let it rest on Me ."...