From Walls To Freedom

It started out so small, she just keep adding brick by brick
After all, they say “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and what she did isn’t some trick
It has taken sweet, careful time to fortify this place
Arrows cannot penetrate, stones cannot crush, nothing will make her lose face
Once upon a time it was sweet and open, gates never barred
Everything changed the day hurt and pain made each breath so hard
The exterior didn’t always match what grew inside
She cant exactly undo what happens when that perfect part of her died
Reality fades into such an intricately written play
Full of many veiled thoughts and emotions too deep for the light of day
No spec in time can really mark when it all began
Her heart needed protection in a way nothing else can
Let the walls come up and block out all this world could do
Let secrets stay buried knowing there’s no way through
It gets easier to embody the okay and the fine
Because she isn’t going to let anyone cross that never giving line
If there ever was a chance of those few getting in
She made sure that didn’t happen because it was her battle to win
How can she have fear beneath those eyes of stone
How can she be surrounded by people and still feel alone
How can she be so lost while claiming to be found
How can she cry so many tears and never make a sound
How can she go from the purest bliss to the girl wrapped in chains
How can she lose all the love that was once called gain
Fortress built so high nothing will break it now
Here is where its safe even if no one else knows how
After all was said and done she took a moment to slightly pause
Because for once she had to see what could really be the cause
And in one quick motion like the turn of a page
All of a sudden the walls became a cold, ruthless cage
When her eyes had finally opened, being closed so long in fear
She wondered and she cried, “How did I ever get here”
In trying to protect, hide, and run away
Her heart was locked inside herself, where it had no choice but to stay
This way of life had to come to an end
It was time for her to break and not just only bend
She begged and pleaded for the walls to crash and fall
But somehow she was stuck and bound to it all
And then a still small voice whispered in the black
“Don’t you know I love you and want my daughter back?”
It was like waking up from a nightmare in a dream
She couldn’t stop it now, her heart began to scream
This was no place for her with such an invitation standing there
Can she go outside, does she even dare?
Trust was never something she could do and now she was so blind
In her place of solitude there was no escape she could find
Falling to her knees in humbled desperation
A prayer was finally uttered with hope and confession
“Father I need you, I am buried and locked in my own prison
and I know your Son paid the price with his precious blood of crimson
I come and ask you now for grace and mercy I cannot understand
From the one and only Lord who knows in number the grains of sand
Please rescue this heart and soul, I cannot make it without you
I confess my darkest sins even though you already knew
Im letting go of all the hurt, pain, fear and love lost
Because you paid for me the price with the vast steepest cost
I come as your daughter, bruised, scarred and broken
Remembering that it has been so long since the last time we have really spoken
Hear my cry Father, and forgive this wretched sinner tonight
Too long have I been walled in this cage keeping out the light
It is to you I run with all that is left within me
Adonai, Abba Father, please show me what it is you see”
It was only then that the veil that had so long covered her eyes
Was removed by someone who loved her and she began to realize
If the walls were to come down and the fortress burned to the ground
She would have to let it go and let her heart remember the sound
Of what life was like when her Savior was the focus of her eyes
Before all of the brokenness and long lost goodbyes
Time had finally come for her to make the move
After all that she had done, it was today leaving something to prove
With a tattered heart and legs that could hardly stand
She took a deep breath and opened up her hand
The strangest thing happened when she took the first swing
All of the walls came tumbling down like the weakest sort of thing
It was only then that everything was finally clear
The walls only trapped and snared because of her own fear
Words in those moments seemed not enough to describe
What was going on in her heart, soul, and swiftly renewed mind
Years and years of building what she thought made her so strong
Was one of the weakest attempts at being who she was all along
Her Savior always knew this girl although lost still alive
Trying but so unable on her own to survive
A promise had to be made so unbreakable and always true
That she would have to fall into familiar arms she really always knew
“My daughter you have to trust me now and let 
your faith mature and grow
let my love guide you even to places you don’t know
for it is there in this place that I will surely remain
and I promise you that my love has washed away all of your stains
there is no more need to worry or let fear overcome your heart
from now until forevermore you will never stand in the dark.”
With these final words she knew that a changed heart she could see
This is who she had always been, created, formed, called, redeemed and finally set free.


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