The Reality of Yearning

I am sitting in my kitchen at this moment. There is a small bit of evening light peaking through my blinds. No one else is here and all I can hear is the traffic driving by outside my window. Here I am with a thought still lingering from days ago and its rising up in my chest in a way I don't want to dismiss. So I am going to share it with you...

Yearning... I saw the word in a sea of text next to an instagram handle. I scrolled down to the bottom and read these words: 
"Look, I know how much yearning for something so sacred seems to highlight what you don't have... in some way or another, we're all either yearning for something or all will someday. I think maybe it's a reminder of our yearning for heaven-- for more than this world has to offer even once we have all that we want."

Reality... Those words sat with me for a long while before I was able to get to sleep that night. Because she was right. Intense and deep yearning highlights all around the thing we see but cannot seem to grasp, not matter how hard we try. What are you yearning for...?
A job or more money or a degree
Better house to live in
Maybe a husband or a wife
One child to call your own
Thinner, prettier, more fit body
                                                    Belonging Acceptance Worthiness
                                                    Freedom from what grips you: fear, shame, anger, grief
                                                    Peace Security Dreams


Yearning... yeah, me too. Whenever I gave myself a moment to linger on what I yearn for it did always seem like something was missing. Do you want to know the truth? For a long time what I wanted was to find a job where I could finally do what I am passionate about. I have that now. Another longing is to be loved and have someone who sees me the way God does, but I don't have that and may never in my life. Even still in the midst of those and other things my heart yearns for, I have been surrounded by people who have it ALL. We talk and I hear about what life is like as they live and breathe with many of their deepest desires fulfilled and tangible. The quote from above, she was right. There is so much more...

Reality... Finding that you have your desires fulfilled, your longings satisfied, it leaves a small space where yearning never seems to be silenced. No matter how "holy" or how "selfish" the yearning may be, it is not the end you are meant to arrive at and find there is nothing left to want. You see, being created in the image of an eternal and all encompassing God does something all the way down in your bones. All of those things you are so certain will leave you feeling whole, get them and you will find there's an eternity in your sole that will not stop. 

Yearning... No one is exempt from this eternal yearning, pointing heavenward in a way that cant be ignored. Don't bury it or deny it. Don't numb it or run from it. You can't dear one. You just can't. I have been doing it for many moments in my life, maybe you have too. Because the truth is that space within your soul, the one that carries the image of heaven, that is the point. Thats the reason, the beginning and end to your yearning. Try and grasp it every day for the rest of your life. You will find all you could ever want, and more. 


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